What is Witty Wipe?

What is Witty Wipe and what is it made from?

Witty wipe is a reusable makeup removing face towel. It’s made from special microfiber material with tiny hair bristles up to 30 times thinner than a human hair, designed to remove all make-up and to attract any makeup residues.

What is Witty Wipe?

How does Witty Wipe work?

Despite the best makeup removing products out there on the market, as for the makeup removing process itself we use a regular cotton pads or a makeup wipes. The surface of cotton pad or a makeup wipe compared to Witty Wipe is flat. Instead of attracting the makeup, it absorbs the makeup removing product and move it around the face.

Witty Wipe’s surface is not flat, it’s made from trillions of tiny microfiber bristles up to 30 times thinner than a human hair. The surface of the bristles is not sleek, therefore it is designed to hold makeup and stops it from smearing it further around the face.

Washing and reusing Witty Wipe

The major advantage of Witty Wipe towel compared to cotton pads or makeup removing wipes is, that it can be washed and reused up to 1,500 times, which equals to 3-5 years. It can be either handwash with any regular soap, or it can be wash in the washing machine with your regular laundry load.

You can tumble dry it afterwards on low heat or leave to air dry. Properties of Witty Wipe material :

  • 100% antibacterial, so it doesn’t allow any bacteria growth.
  • 100% hypoallergenic, so it doesn’t cause skin irritations.
  • 100% vegan
  • 100% cruelty free, as it not tested on animals.
  • 100% chemicals free, as it doesn’t use any chemical substances in order to remove the makeup, only water
  • 100% eco friendly as it can use and reuse up to 1,500 times which equals 3-5 years

How to use Witty Wipe

What is Witty Wipe?

Makeup removing process with Witty Wipe

Removing makeup with Witty Wipe is fast, easy and simple. It shortens your makeup removing routine time by 50% if not more.

All you need to do, is simply to wet Witty Wipe with warm water, wet your face with full makeup on and start to clean your face and remove makeup. Starting with the eyes first and continue to clean the rest of the face using the towel further down. Feel free to bend the towel to your needs, using any free clean space, to get comfortably around eyes and nose area in order to remove any the makeup residues left.

Skin irritations and discomfort with Witty Wipe

Any skin irritations are avoided, while using Witty Wipe. The key cleaning elements in the cleaning process are pure water and material itself. Many clients purchased Witty Wipe because of the Witty Wipe’s material properties, avoiding any chemicals in the makeup removing process.

Clients who use face brushes and other face cleaning tools, find Witty Wipe as perfect fit for cleaning around the eyes area, as the faces cleaning brushes can’t be used to remove eye makeup. Around the eye area is so sensitive and easy prone to wrinkles, as it cleaned majority of the time, due to the use of an everyday eye makeup. Witty Wipe’s material softness and delicateness is designed for removing eye makeup and cleaning around the eyes area.

What is Witty Wipe?

Why Witty Wipe?

“Be the change” #bethechange

Our beauty routine requires regular daily use of single-use pads, cotton buds and single-use cosmetic makeup wipes. We feel the beauty industry needs to change the ways to reduce waste, but sometimes it’s easier said than to be done.

We at Witty Wipe believe, that the change comes within. Each one of us, has to think first about the way, we individually impact our environment and helping to reduce the waste. In order to make a global impact, we individually have to become more eco-friendly conscious. One easy and sure way to help reduce wastage is to take single-use cotton pads out of our daily beauty routines.

Cotton and water

Cotton is the most pesticide-doused crop on the planet. Pesticides used on cotton are super toxic and extremely long-lasting. So if you don’t use organic cotton pads, it’s likely that your cotton balls and pads have harmful pesticide residues on them, and these are kind of toxins that can get into your body through your skin.

According to WWF, the amount of water needed to produce one kilogram of cotton (use for example on one basic white T-Shirt), is the same amount of water one person would drink over 3 years. We at least keep our t-shirts for longer than a day, but just imagine the amount of water we waste on a single-use cotton pads.

Not only removing cotton pads from our beauty routines would reduce water wastage but think of how much less waste we’d be producing, if we weren’t throwing a cotton pads away every time we apply our toner in the evening. Less cotton pads thrown away, equals less cotton pads going straight back to landfill.

It’s so simple!

Regular cotton pads don’t biodegrade due to the bleaching and mixing processes used to create them. The beauty industry has progressed so much now, that there’s no need for cotton! By removing cotton pads from your routine, you’re also reducing the amount of plastic packaging waste you produce, which is “an added bonus.”

Scrap the cotton pads and embrace a more sustainable ways to your everyday beauty routine with Witty Wipe!

Let’s #bethechange, let’s #bewitty, #let’sfallinlove one cotton pad at time.

Let’s fall in love with Earth with Witty Wipe!

*Source : Elle.com