“Be the change” #bethechange
Our beauty routine requires regular daily use of single-use pads, cotton buds and single-use cosmetic makeup wipes. We feel the beauty industry needs to change the ways to reduce waste, but sometimes it’s easier said than to be done.
We at Witty Wipe believe, that the change comes within. Each one of us, has to think first about the way, we individually impact our environment and helping to reduce the waste. In order to make a global impact, we individually have to become more eco-friendly conscious. One easy and sure way to help reduce wastage is to take single-use cotton pads out of our daily beauty routines.
Cotton and water
Cotton is the most pesticide-doused crop on the planet. Pesticides used on cotton are super toxic and extremely long-lasting. So if you don’t use organic cotton pads, it’s likely that your cotton balls and pads have harmful pesticide residues on them, and these are kind of toxins that can get into your body through your skin.
According to WWF, the amount of water needed to produce one kilogram of cotton (use for example on one basic white T-Shirt), is the same amount of water one person would drink over 3 years. We at least keep our t-shirts for longer than a day, but just imagine the amount of water we waste on a single-use cotton pads.
Not only removing cotton pads from our beauty routines would reduce water wastage but think of how much less waste we’d be producing, if we weren’t throwing a cotton pads away every time we apply our toner in the evening. Less cotton pads thrown away, equals less cotton pads going straight back to landfill.
It’s so simple!
Regular cotton pads don’t biodegrade due to the bleaching and mixing processes used to create them. The beauty industry has progressed so much now, that there’s no need for cotton! By removing cotton pads from your routine, you’re also reducing the amount of plastic packaging waste you produce, which is “an added bonus.”
Scrap the cotton pads and embrace a more sustainable ways to your everyday beauty routine with Witty Wipe!
Let’s #bethechange, let’s #bewitty, #let’sfallinlove one cotton pad at time.
Let’s fall in love with Earth with Witty Wipe!
*Source : Elle.com